Perfect Abs Asian Man
Perfect Abs Six Pack
Perfect Abs Man In The Shower
Perfect Man Abs Workout
As you embark on your effort to sculpt your six-pack, you a need to factor in effective weight loss and super body-toning through a high-intensity cardio workout. Other important parts of your regimen are diet modifications, different high-intensity workouts and ab exercises.Follow these simple instruction regularly to have six pack abs. * Get yourself checked for high blood pressure, heart troubles etc before starting any high-intensity workout, especially those that challenge your heart. * Start with a low-intensity, short workout. * Initially start with just a few minutes of a few cardio exercises: power walking, spot jogging. Then increase at a slow but steady pace (around 10 per cent every week) to work up to 15 to 20 minutes over a few weeks, increasing the length of the routine and the variety of exercises. * Do a combination of four to five exercises. This takes the pressure off the knees and keeps your interest level high. * Work with a trainer to ensure the workouts are regularly modified to challenge your muscles and to remove boredom. * Even in simple exercises, learn to introduce variety. For instance, when spot jogging or jumping, learn to jump sideways to make it more challenging. You can also twist-jump later to intensify the challenge. * Always do some power stretches before you start and cool down after a workout. * Workout at least four times a week if you intend to get a six-pack.